Friday, August 16, 2013

When faced with creating a unit using NETS standards, I really struggled because I didn't feel competent enough with the technology to actually develop a unit around its use.  Originally, I based the unit on our social studies curriculum and integrated it into building a sense of community in my classroom during the first few weeks of school.  I used the Pennsylvania standards and built my instruction around them; however, once I began the arduous task of integrating the ISTE NETS standards, the unit took on a whole new life of its own.  Not only did I feel energized by the realization of what I was capable of, but I also became more motivated about using the technology itself.   Creating QR codes that linked to the Citizenship Skills in our new text, literally, took hours, but the satisfaction that I felt with my accomplishment and the anticipation of how excited my students will be to use them, made the time spent all worthwhile. The unit continued to evolve as I integrated more technology and the Key Components of Customized Learning because doing so forced me to take the learning to a whole new level.  Originally, my concern was getting the information into the heads of my students, but after working on the unit, my goal became immersing my students in the learning process.  I honestly believe that the integration of technology will have an immense positive impact on my students motivation and learning.  They will also be more engaged because they will be responsible for their learning and will be active participants in the process.

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